пятница, 10 января 2020 г.


Just depends on what they downloaded. Oh there are many varieties.. Game crash if you run it on v 1. Go to promod servers and you will see the same cheats as on other servers. We love to have fun by playing online games especially W: How is GBR Tino so good? cod4 promod wallhack

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Undetected - SoH 2. They will not see the game as we see the game, player could be highlighted or outlined, smoke will not show walls maybe see through. Display as a link instead.

[COD4]SOH WallHack,Norecoil | - Gamehacking Portal

Join the conversation You can post now and register later. Join Date Oct Gender Location 51,4.

cod4 promod wallhack

Only 75 emoji are allowed. Please, get the fuck out. I guess they use wallhack I can't really describe any of these.

[COD4]SOH 5.2 WallHack,Norecoil...

When you quit the game, you will have to open the " SOH 5. It doesn't matter how much good you are in the game or how much good English you speak.

He was pre-firing around corners, spamming walls ;romod that would tip me off to hacking. It is a great tool for catching cheaters.


There aren't just three or four programs out there, but literally hundreds of hacks. Sign In Sign Up. But the next map, and all other maps after that, he was average to above average.

Walohack time now is Reply to this topic We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. Usually on aimbot is probably the easiest to spot because you can tell by the snapping that goes on. Go To Topic Listing. Here, you can make worldwide friends while enjoying the game.

It basically increases skill and the mod is all about skill. February - January Counter Strike: Yeah I wanted to know exactly how to distinguish the various hacks from each other so that when I list a reason for a ban or suspicion, that I am correctly identifying the indication.

Promod and hacks - COD Series Discussion - Fearless Assassins

I am using bitdefender I think. There are some obvious hacks, straight headshots with every bullet and things like that. Aimbot only lets you aim better, NOT see where ppl are anywhere on the map, yes?

cod4 promod wallhack

March - Current Member: This has been detected since the beginning of March. For example, I've heard that wallhack lets you shoot thru walls and see where ppl are so you can shoot them thru walls.

No its undetected, and this is the one without the aimbot? When a fishy movement happens, everybody can see it and you can all give an opinion. Anyone from any race and country speaking any language can join our Discord and gaming servers.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay! Share this post Link to post Share pormod other sites. You can get the wrong file in your COD folder and the next thing ya know, boom you're on a pb server and getcha self a big ole ban.

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