A simple, animated jQuery star rating jQuery plugin which uses CSS3 transitions to smoothly update the rating control on click. Heat Rating is an ultra-light jQuery plugin which lets you create a horizontal, color palette- and heatmap-style rating control with support for fractional ratings. Emoji Ratings is a simple, lightweight jQuery star rating plugin that uses emoji unicode characters for rating symbols. J-Rating is a lightweight, simple-to-use jQuery plugin that helps you implement a star rating control using radio buttons and Bootstrap's Glyphicons. Just another jQuery, select based star rating system which allows you to use any Font Awesome 4 icons for rating symbols. Emotion Ratings is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a simple rating system using custom emoji Unicode characters.
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How to use it: Supports half star and fractional rating. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.
Emoji Ratings is a simple, lightweight jQuery star rating plugin that jrating.jsuery.js emoji unicode characters for rating symbols. A fancy smooth mobile-friendly rating system that enables the user to adjust the rating values by dragging the slider thumb.
Star Rating (jQuery Plugin)
Just another jQuery plugin used to generate a simple star rating control using Google's Material Icons. A lightweight jQuery plugin for rendering a SVG based star rating system on your webpage that supports for arbitrary star fractions, variable star sizes and colors. In my webpageI need to update the average rating in yellow with the response just recorded by user. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.
A small jQuery plugin that turns an input field into a highly customizable rating system styling with Bootstrap 3 and Glyphicons. We have tutorials for all skill levels, and each entry is categorized by level of difficulty.
» Star Rating (jQuery Plugin) İrfan Durmuş
Upvote is a lightweight jQuery plugin that generates a voting widget like the one used on Jrating.hquery.js Exchange sites.
Raty is an easy, flexible jQuery plugin which turns any DIV elements into a fully configurable star rating component.
Just another jQuery star rating plugin which converts the normal select element into a pretty simple rating system. Bar Rating is a minimal and lightweight jQuery plugin that turns a standard select box into a flexible bar rating widget. A simple, animated jQuery star rating nrating.jquery.js plugin which uses CSS3 transitions to smoothly update the rating control on click.
Email Required, but never shown.
Bootstrap Rating Input is a lightweight jQuery plugin that transform a standard input filed into a simple star rating system with Twitter's Bootstrap 3.
StarRating is a really small jQuery rating system plugin which converts a standard HTML unordered list into a star rating control using Font Awesome for rating symbols.
Written content on this site is under a Creative Commons License. Using jQuery to Access iFrame Elements.
A minimalist jQuery 5-star rating plugin which uses Font Awesome iconic font and any jrating.jqery.js input field. Rating jgating.jquery.js a super tiny jQuery plugin for creating a basic five-star rating widget based on CSS3 transforms.
The jQuery hillRate plugin helps developers to implement a responsive, highly customizable star rating system on the web app. J-Rating is a lightweight, simple-to-use jQuery plugin that helps you implement a star rating control using radio buttons and Bootstrap's Glyphicons.
javascript - update ratings onSuccess Jrating jquery plugin - Stack Overflow
The Awesome Rating library lets you create a simple, flexible, customizable rating system for products, images, articles, and posts. Jrating.jqjery.js is a small and blazing fast jQuery rating plugin used to view and submit ratings using stars or something else. Asked 5 years, 2 months ago.
Home Top 60 Created By Ourselves. Bar Rating Plugin works by transforming a standard select field into a rating widget.
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Emoji Ratings is a simple, lightweight jQuery star rating plugin that uses emoji Unicode characters for rating symbols. Scripts Used on This Site.
In this post, find a compiled list of 15 jQuery based rating plugins to create rating system on your website. A simple yet customizable jQuery star rating plugin that uses SVG based rating symbols and supports any fraction of rating value like 1.
Learning jQuery is a multi-author weblog providing jQuery tutorials, demos, and announcements.
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